

Since its inception in 2000, EnviroSense CC has been involved in a wide and diverse range of short, medium and long-term consulting projects.

The list below highlights some of the bigger milestone projects and activities that EnviroSense has been involved in (either as the project manager) or being subcontracted as a member of a larger consortium.

  • Development of green rating systems, scorecards and operational material management plans for various hotels in South Africa
  • Establishment of waste generation baselines, characterisation of waste and development collection strategies for various waste types including Recyclables and Household Hazardous Waste for both the Western Cape Provincial Government and the City of Cape Town
  • Development of a Green Procurement Policy and Implementation Programme for the Western Cape Provincial Government as well as Technical Guidelines for the City of Cape Town Green Procurement programme
  • Through various projects (since 2004) and as the Chairwoman of the e-Waste Alliance: continued monitoring, evaluation, research and development of a Southern African solution for the responsible collection and processing of e-Waste
  • Development of various South African and Namibian Municipal Industrial Waste Management Plans
  • Involvement in the City of Cape Town WasteWise initative (various project phases since 2003)
  • Active voluntary member of organisations that shape the future of waste management in South Africa including the IWMSA (Institute of Waste Management of Southern Africa) (having served on both the Waste Minimisation Interest Group and the Western Cape Committee) as well as the Western Cape Recycling Action Group

For a complete list projects done by EnviroSense CC since 2000 please go to "Portfolio" on the navigator